Explore the 3 Pillars of Our Certification Curriculum

Pillar Two: Coach Training

See How Our Proprietary Coaching Methodology Will Help You Change Lives

The CORE Coaching Method™ (CCM) is the second pillar of the IAWP Wellness Coach Certification and is our proprietary coaching method. During your CORE Coach Training, you’ll learn how to coach clients to get to the core of their challenges and finally breakthrough to reach their goals.

The CORE Coaching Method™ combines the art of coaching with proven, cutting-edge psychology techniques that address how the brain works in order to help your client make lasting changes.

But CCM is not just about “changing our habits” for the short-term, instead it’s about creating lasting transformations for life by helping clients get to the root of their patterns.

Our CORE Coaching Method™ is a powerful nine step process that our students, graduates and their clients have said is like no other self-growth process they have ever experienced before. Why is that? Let’s take a closer look…

Why are coaches using the CORE Coaching Method™ so effective at changing lives?

CORE Coaching Wheel

The CORE Coaching Method is client centered.

As a coach, your client has the power to change their life, but they need some one who can guide them and show them the way. Unfortunately in many coaching processes, the coach positions him or herself as an expert and believes that they have the power to change their client rather than the other way around.

While the coach may have a lot of experience and knowledge to impart, this positioning does not work to motivate clients. It relies on an old health model where the “guru” knows all and the patient should just “do what they are told”.

Unfortunately this is disempowering not only for the client, but also for the coach, who feels they must know everything and ensure their client listens to their advice. If a client does not listen to you, then you have failed.

CCM is not about motivating people to change with unsolicited advice, cheerleading or even fear, rather it’s about helping them to find their own inner motivation. It’s a new, transformative way of empowering people to make changes in their life. When a coaching client is empowered to solve their own challenge with the guidance of an effective coach, goals can be achieved quickly and maintained for the long-term.

CCM is powerful is because it gets to the root a client’s issue.

Rather than telling someone what they should do, IAWP Wellness Coaches go deeper and use CCM to discover what is truly holding a person back from getting what they say they desire. Most people inherently know what they should be doing, but aren’t doing it for some reason. A reason that is not on the surface, but can be discovered with the support of a CCM trained coach.

Let’s take an example to see how CCM supports a client to get to the root cause of their challenge. If you had a coaching client that wanted to lose weight, you might share with them your advice on exactly what to do and when to exercise to ensure they reach their goal. Your client may follow your advice… for awhile. But in many cases, they will “fall off the bandwagon” after a few short weeks or months because they did not discover the underlying causes of why they overeat or why they are overweight.

Perhaps it’s due to a belief they took on when they were younger about themselves. Or perhaps it’s because they are subconsciously holding themselves back from another present goal.

Using the CORE Coaching Method, IAWP Wellness Coaches go beyond advice-giving and follow a proven method to support a client to discover what the hidden obstacle is so they can finally address it and overcome it. This supports the client to then be able to receive the coach’s advice once they are free and clear of the inner block that was preventing them from moving forward.

CCM is unique is that it was developed from real experience with real clients.

Some coaching methods have been created in a box using coaching theories but are never tested in a real-life setting with real clients.

CCM was developed in a real coaching practice where actual clients experienced it and helped it take shape to become the method it is today.

IAWP’s Founder Suzanne Monroe developed the CORE Coaching Method in her own holistic wellness coaching practice. She was frustrated after her own coach training that she was not able to help people reach their goals. This led her to work directly with her own clients and tweak and test her findings. When she saw the amazing results they were achieving, she knew she could not keep the method to herself.

Suzanne then went on to teach this method to IAWP Wellness Coaches and saw how it impacted their personal lives directly – not only were they able to help their own clients with great results, they were more confident, empowered as coaches themselves.

Review a Few Key Benefits of Your CORE Coach Training™ in Pillar Two. . .


CCM is a life-changing method that you will learn to apply to your own life, too, as you experience ongoing support from an IAWP Master Wellness Coach. Through our unlimited, Live Coaching Labs you’ll both receive personal coaching and practice your own coaching. You’ll learn to hone your coaching skills as you get real support and receive real-time feedback.


You will learn to apply CCM through ongoing practicum during your program. Your coaching practicum includes Live CORE Skills Coaching Labs with an IAWP Master Coach in a small group setting, where you can practice live and also learn from others practicing.

You’ll also have the opportunity to practice with your Peer Coach, share experiences with your coaching classmates and begin to take on practice clients while in training.

By the time you graduate, you’ll feel confident in your coaching skills and ability to help your clients.

Our graduates report that the CORE Coaching Method is the most powerful tool they’ve ever come across and they use it over and over again to help their wellness coaching clients.

How to be an Effective Coach

IAWP’s unique curriculum will teach you how to coach with confidence.  CCM fully prepares you for the variety of client challenges you could face as a wellness coach. Once you’ve completed your wellness coach certification, you’ll have a coaching toolbox that includes done-for-you resources that you’ll use in your coaching practice.

An Overview of Your Curriculum in Pillar Two

Our CORE Coaching Method™ combines the art of coaching with proven, cutting-edge psychology techniques that address how the brain works in order to help your client make lasting changes. 

But the CORE Coaching Method is not just about “changing our habits” for the short-term. Instead you will create lasting transformations for life by helping clients get to the root of their patterns. 

Discover our proprietary coaching method that has helped thousands of coaches lead client sessions with clarity and confidence and help people transform their lives. 

This module includes: 

  • Discover how The CORE Coaching Method will unlock your client’s true potential and finally allow them to achieve their deepest desires
  • The 4 Step Transformation Process –  A step-by-step process you can use every time to create client breakthroughs
  • The 7 most powerful questions to unlock your client’s subconscious mind and get to the real reason they haven’t reached their goals
  • Go beyond traditional coaching techniques and learn how to unlock the core issues that are really holding people back from achieving their goals

Explore the workings of the brain, including how the conscious and subconscious mind function and play a role in coaching. In this module,  you will uncover your own programming and begin applying the CORE Coaching Method.  

This module includes: 

  • How your programming affects your reality
  • The science behind behavior change and coaching
  • How to determine verbal and non-verbal cues in coaching
  • What to do when a clients says “I don’t know”
  • How to step into your role as a guide for your clients

Learn the steps every coach must know to conduct successful coaching sessions that have clients coming back for more.

This module includes:

  • How to create transformation following the four primary steps of CORE.
  • How to successfully prepare for a session without wasting time and show up as an empowered coach in the moment
  • The most common mistake coaches make during sessions that leave clients unfulfilled
  • Exactly what to say during a coaching session to help a client get unstuck in 30 minutes or less
  • Discover how to set up and start off successful sessions, so you can stop “overgiving” with sessions that never end on time and leave you feeling like you haven’t done enough. 

Learn a step-by-step process for supporting your coaching clients to align their goals with their actions. In this module you will learn how to ask powerful questions and discovery specific tools for preparing your coaching space.

This module includes:

  •  A proven roadmap you can follow for session success with every client 
  • An examination of how and when clients are ready to make changes
  • The 4 steps of the client commitment journey
  • The three things you must do during a coaching session to ensure your client follows through and takes action between sessions
  • How to ask powerful questions to get to the root of your client’s challenges

Learn how to gain your client’s confidence and build trust in your professional relationship. This module will support you to help your client’s set goals and feel empowered in their coaching program.

This module includes:

  • How to build client rapport authentically and quickly
  • The role of self-esteem in coaching
  • The Theory of Planned Behavior and how to support your client’s to reach their goals
  • The Art of Mirroring and using highly effective coaching tools

Discover the five steps to creating lasting changes and transformation while learning how to support your client’s to create new patterns that support their goals. In this module, you’ll begin working with proven neuro linguistic programming tools to add to your coaching skills. 

This module includes:

  • Top tools for igniting lasting change
  • A five step process to take your client from inaction to action
  • The science of neuro linguistic programming 
  • How to coach clients to discover what’s truly standing in their way

Take an in-depth dive into the nine steps of the CORE Coaching Method and gain powerful insight into how to deliver transformation for your clients. Gain confidence to use these nine steps in initial consultations to inspire new clients and to motivate change for existing clients.

This module includes:

  • The 9 Steps Successful Session Model – a proven roadmap you can follow for every session
  • How to get and stay in a Flow State while you deliver your coaching
  • The #1 most important and often missing step in a coaching conversation
  • A formula to determine your session length and format, guiding you to feel empowered to start and end sessions on time without guilt
  • A powerful process to dive into the past, present and future with your clients and create action steps they will stick with

Every client has different challenges and ways of learning. In this module,  you’ll learn how to work with different client types and overcome obstacles with challenging clients.

This module includes:

  • How to relate to your coaching clients
  • Diversity in coaching – how to develop empathy and awareness
  • The 4 Client Styles and becoming a skilled coach
  • The secret to supporting clients who are  resistant 
  • Biochemical individuality and How We Think
  • Meta-programming in Coaching


You’ve been practicing coaching and growing as a coach. Now it’s time to 

build on your coaching skills with advanced techniques to support your clients. In this module, you’ll learn the top three reasons clients could be stuck and gain insight into how to go deeper to remove their obstacles.

This module includes:

  • The five advanced coaching tools every seasoned coach needs to know
  • How to support your coaching clients to discover past memories that may be affecting their present reality and what to do about it
  • Coaching tools for working with emotions and fears
  • Discovering the Shadow side of our patterns and empowering your clients to know themselves

As you hone your skills and gain more experience, you’ll learn how to not only help your clients reach a goal but make lasting changes for life. In this module, you’ll discover how to create client transformations using powerful techniques.

This module includes:

  • How to support you clients to unhook from their past
  • When to refer your clients to a licensed professional or therapist
  • Accountability and responsibility in coaching
  • The art of self-talk and how to change our daily mindset
  • The #1 coaching technique used to support clients to shift their patterns

In this module you’ll explore the inner working of the mind and gain confidence in supporting your clients to shift their thinking. Discover how to tame the inner critic and help your clients address the parts that are holding them back.  

This module includes:

  • How to connect with your inner critic so you and your clients can heal old patterns
  • The top 3 mindsets every coach must master and exactly how to do it
  • Supportive exercises to distinguish the inner critic from the inner voice and take empowered action

Learn how to set up your virtual coaching office for success. From staying organized to client communication, you’ll learn the essentials to staying productive and purposeful. Expand your goals as you learn into support, practice and feedback.

This module includes:

  • The #1 Tools you must use to run a successful, virtual coaching practice
  • How to leverage technology to stay organized and professional
  • Powerful productivity tools to apply both in your practice and in your personal life

Stay Inspired with Wellness Tips, Coaching Tools and Business Resources for Wellness Professionals


Frequently Asked Questions

Holistic Wellness Coaches are professionals who take an integrative approach to help people learn to make healthy lifestyle changes. They take into account more than just nutrition,  fitness or simple habit changes, but all aspects of a person’s health and life in true holistic fashion.

IAWP Holistic Wellness Coaches are highly trained coaches, providing support and accountability for their clients so they can make lasting lifestyle changes.

Today there are many people calling themselves “Health Coaches”. They have varying educations and backgrounds, some with extensive training, others with no training at all. “Health Coaching” is a general term that does not tell people what area of health you help with or your specific approach. Many Health Coaches focus solely on nutrition, exercise and habit changes.

“Wellness Coach” is a more specific term. It denotes that more than just general health is being considered in the approach. Wellness signfies well-being and lifestyle aspects beyond food and exercise.

When evaluating various health and wellness coaching programs, it is important to understand the difference between becoming a generalist and a specialist. Whether a training program calls their graduates a “health coach” or a “wellness coach,” they often have a particular angle that they work from.

Holistic Wellness Coaching is a specialty term in which professionals will take a holistic approach to wellness, considering all aspects of a person’s well-being as well as the support provided involves holistic remedies, therapies, and a more natural approach to wellness.

While generalist coaches can be useful, you’re guaranteed greater success when you choose a specialist track like Holistic Wellness. You probably know that in the field of medicine a doctor who is a generalist is paid much less than a specialist. Generalists do not have the same level of training and the market allows for specialists to charge higher fees. This is also true for a Holistic Wellness Coaches.

The International Association of Wellness Professionals is recognized world wide and we have students participating from countries all over the world.

The IAWP offers accredited coach training and is aligned with several accrediting bodies. 

Upon completion of our Holistic Wellness & Holistic Life Coach Dual Certification coaches can become a board certified Health and Wellness Coach with through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

Our Holistic Wellness Coach & Holistic Life Coach Dual Certification integrates three pillars of learning – holistic wellness, coaching and holistic business. Our coaching curriculum is CCE Accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). ICF has the highest standards for its approved coaching programs and we are proud to provide an advanced coaching education that meets their standards. Current coaches who are ICF accredited and complete our coaching pillar, are eligible for continuing coach education  CCE credits with the ICF.

Our Certification program is also approved by the Canadian Health Coach Alliance. 

With approval and accreditation from leading organizations across the globe, you can feel confident that our  curriculum has met a high standard in terms of the education and support you will receive.

Our mission at the IAWP is to provide the most holistic online education experience in the industry and we take our mission seriously. The way we deliver our training is what makes our program unique from any other training in the online education field today.  

Our unique training method is called The Immersive Transformation Training Method™ (ITTM), where you will personally experience and practice everything you learn in your program. This process allows you to master your own wellness, become a highly effective coach, and launch a profitable practice…all during your training.  

Unlike most online education, where you “read, watch and learn”, here at the IAWP you will “read, watch, learn and DO”  as you apply what you are learning at each stage. ITTM includes immersive training, application modules, real-world experiential exercises, and countless coaching demonstrations. 

This full immersion means you not only end up with superior knowledge of coaching, but more importantly, you have the ability to coach.

We also give you all the tools and systems you will need to be confident as a new Holistic Wellness & Holistic Life Coaches, without having to reinvent the wheel or start everything from scratch. You’ll get to build on a foundation that’s guaranteed to help you create success in your new business or career path.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out what our students are saying!

t, check out what our students are saying!

The short answer is Yes! In fact, we are so confident you will get your first client by the time you graduate, that we guarantee your success. If you follow the steps in our program and fail to attract your first client by graduation, we will refund your tuition and you can keep your certification. 

At the IAWP, our program is based on our Immersive Transformation Training Method™. This method ensures you are applying your knowledge during every stage of your training and this includes taking the right steps to attract your ideal clients.

Through our business training, you will follow our Coach Launch system, which is designed to take you step by step through a process that will guide you as you attract and sign up your first 10 clients, or your next 10 clients, again and again. 

When you enroll in our Holistic Wellness Coach & Holistic Life Coach Dual Certification program, you will receive Lifetime Access to our training, plus continuing education for the life of your career. This is very unique in the online education industry and we are unaware of any other organization that provides this level of ongoing access.

While you do not need continuing education credits to maintain your IAWP Holistic Wellness Coach/Life Coach Certifications, our training is recognized and accredited by several organizations, like the International Coach Federation where our program allows you to earn Continuing Education Credits. 

Short answer, yes. The world has gone virtual in the last few years so knowing how to connect with your clients and work with them virtually is essential. 

Our business training can be applied to building a practice in your local community or creating an online coaching business.  Some students prefer to work locally, others go straight to online, some prefer a mix of the two.  The choice is yours and will largely depend on your preference. 

Through our Coach Launch Fast Track system, you will learn how to set up your business and determine which career track best fits for you. You will also learn the ins and out of online marketing, social media, video conferencing and other virtual business tools. You’ll also personally experience virtual coaching and online workshops through your training.