Season of Change: How to Embrace Fall’s Transitions


When the seasons change, it carries meaning for many people. You might suddenly have a feeling that there is something in the air or you might find yourself reflecting on your life a little more than usual.

Fall is a symbolic time of year when we get to reflect on where we are in life, where we want to go, and how we want to get there. It’s also a time of acknowledging the things in our lives that we are ready to let go of, similar to the way that trees gently let go of their leaves.

Here are a few fall-themed questions to mull over and reflect on so you can move forward with creating a life you love.

1. Is it time to leave behind old habits and patterns that are holding you back?

Once the playful business of summer begins to calm down, we start to direct our attention to our lives and what we need to change to be more successful and at peace. Maybe you’ve begun to notice certain patterns that you play out over and over again, and you’re ready to move on to a different way of being. You’ve probably got a couple bad habits that are draining you and making it hard to find the success you’d like to achieve. This time of year is a great opportunity to decide if you’re ready to make these changes and begin to design a plan for how to do so.

2. Are you ready to eat healthier and commit to more movement?

Routines are a great way to create consistency and dedicated change over time. Perhaps you’ve let your healthy diet slide over the summer and your exercise routine has been spotty. It’s okay! You now have the chance to start back up again, recommitting yourself to nutrient-dense foods and movement that makes your body feel great.

3. What transitions are you ready to move forward with?

Many of us tend to be avoidant when it comes to hard or big changes. Sometimes we even push them away because we are afraid of moving out of our comfort zones (no matter how unhealthy they may be). If you’ve been pushing away a transition that would really benefit your life and well-being, take the time to confront that avoidance to decide if you’re ready to embrace action. By facing your fears, you might just launch yourself into a beautiful journey that will lead you to feel even more alive and authentically you.

4. Are there people in your life that you want to reconnect with?

When we’re not taking good care of ourselves, sometimes we also push away the people we love. If you’ve been avoiding spending time with your family or friends, take a little time to think about why. Identify the insecurities, stresses, or other problems in your life that might be keeping you from spending more time giving and receiving love. Decide to dedicate specific amounts of time each week to enjoy the company of others you care about, then do it!

5. Is it time to reduce your stress and slow down?

One of the biggest drains on our sense of well-being is being too busy and stressed. Often, our busyness isn’t very productive or used for things we truly care about, either. Sit down with your calendar and have a heart-to-heart chat with yourself. Is it time to cut out certain activities that aren’t giving you what you need from them? Can you organize your schedule better, reduce the length of certain activities, or find better alternatives? Slowing down is a big part of taking care of yourself and necessary for good health.

6. Do you need to commit to more self-care?

To go along with slowing down is the need for self-care. Once you’ve reduced your overloaded schedule, replace those empty time slots with activities that make you glow inside. Take a yoga class, meditate or sit quietly, enjoy a hot bath, sip on a cup of calming tea, or spend an hour laughing with friends. Find small ways to fill your day with activities that reduce your stress hormones, increase your endorphins and oxytocin levels, and help to balance out your mind and feed your spirit.

7. Have you always wanted to help others?

Once you’ve done the work to make your own life full of peace, health, and joy, you might start feeling the itch to also help others get to that place of wellness. Perhaps you’re feeling bored or unfulfilled in your current career and you’re ready to make a difference in the lives of others. Or maybe you’d love to just help those around you that you know could feel so much better and healthier. Whatever your motivation, becoming a Wellness Coach is a perfect educational path to start during this colorful and gentle autumn season.

Get Clear on Your Path Forward

Celebrate the changing season by getting reacquainted with yourself. Do a thorough check-in to decide if you’re where you want to be and determine how you can make your life and wellness better. Take the time for self-reflection so you can get clear on your intention and path forward. Transitions can feel scary when we see them on the path ahead, but just remember that seasons change and come to an end and so will your transition.
Happy Fall!

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About the Author

Suzanne Monroe

Suzanne Monroe is the author of Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self and Living Life on Your Own Terms. She has also written and published The Holistic Cookbook & Lifestyle Guide: 12 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier You, the co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health and the host of the Live Well Dream Big Podcast. Suzanne was inspired to create the IAWP Wellness Coach Training & Certification Program in collaboration with other leading health experts in order to inspire people to create meaningful careers and spread the message of wellness.

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