How Much Does a Health and Wellness Certification Cost?

If you’ve been exploring a career as a certified wellness coach, then you may be considering the health and wellness certification cost. In this post, we’ll break down what you should examine as you compare programs so you get the best education for your money.

The range of Programs and Prices

The health and wellness industry has grown tremendously over the last few years and is poised to be the next trillion dollar market. A lot of people want to be able to help others reach their health goals. As a health coach, having a certification can help not only set you apart with greater credibility but also shows

Health and wellness coach certification programs can have formats such as face-to-face classes at a brick-and-mortar school or health and wellness coach certification online, with teleconferencing and online classes.

The costs of certification can range widely. At the lower end, some coaching programs can provide a free curriculum with a nominal fee (e.g., $50) for certification.

At the higher end, a health and wellness certification cost can start in the high 3-figure range and go up from there. And with the higher costs come a few noticeable differences.

Usually, these certification programs have different coaching tracks for different populations (e.g., families, pregnant people, or seniors) or have more involved coursework.

Some programs are more advanced and require you to already have a coaching business with clients or have some kind of medical background. Other coaching programs have affiliations with or are within universities.

Quantity vs. Quality – Health and Wellness Certification Cost Differences

There is a myriad of health and wellness coach training programs with wide-ranging prices. But how can you tell which one is the best one?

It helps to go by that old adage: you get what you pay for.

For one thing, health and wellness certification cost are tightly connected to the length of the program.

One program may just take a weekend to complete and doesn’t cost much. Meanwhile, another program may take 6 months to complete and requires a larger financial investment.

But you can imagine the difference between the two programs. You’re probably going to learn a lot more over 6 months than you would in a weekend course. Most likely, with the longer course, you’ll learn more of the everyday nitty-gritty of coaching; about the common business pitfalls you may encounter and how to avoid them; and the latest information on health and wellness.

Many times, quality curriculum and programming come with professional or academic affiliations. And some certification programs have accreditations like with the Health Coach Alliance and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

You’ll want to invest in a program that has other accrediting bodies ensuring high-quality coursework and support, as well as gives you access to becoming certified with reputable accrediting bodies.

Health and Wellness Certification Cost - white table with calculator, $100 bills, checkbook
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Saving Money Up Front Can Cost You Later

Another invaluable point to think about when it comes to considering health and wellness certification cost are deals that seem too good to be true. It’s one thing to learn about health and wellness information. But it’s another to learn about effective coaching methods and best business practices.

You may think it’s easy just to hang up a shingle and say you’re a health and wellness coach and have clients knocking on your door for you to help them.

But to be a successful coach, there’s so much more you need in your new career.

To serve your clients well, you’ll want to be well educated and equipped to meet their needs. You’ll also want to know how to run a successful business—and this part is something that a lot of people tend to forget or think they can just wing it on important areas like marketing; helping a client who doesn’t seem to be progressing with their health goals; or having a scarcity mindset with your business.

Think about it: someone who took a weekend course may have a much steeper learning curve of how to get their business up and running than someone who took the time, money, and effort to learn the health and wellness coaching business on a granular level.

That person who took that weekend class may end up quitting coaching altogether because that program didn’t offer any support or guidance during or afterward. Because let’s face it: it can be pretty close to impossible to have a healthy coaching business without some help. And you’ll want the health and wellness certification program that you enroll in to give you everything you need to be a success.

Investing in Your Education = Return on Investment

If you’re choosing a quality health and wellness coach training program, this is not just money going out the door. It’s true that there can be a little sticker shock as you’re comparing certification programs.

But here’s something very important to remember. You’re investing in your education, which is ultimately an investment in yourself—and you’re worth it! When it comes to health and wellness certification cost, the ROI on that kind of investment can be quite invaluable.

As you grow with your leadership, wellness, coaching, and business skills, you’re not only going to be changing your life. You’re going on this new adventure because you want to help change the lives of others.

And as your clients invest in themselves by hiring you as their health and wellness coach, they’ll also be getting an ROI that has some financial benefits such as lower medical costs. But they’ll also have that ROI of investing in themselves, too. You’ll be creating a ripple effect of increased wellbeing.

As you grow and develop your health and wellness coaching business, you’ll also be able to reap the financial benefits of helping others—and before you know it, you’ll be able to recoup your financial investment of your education. Also, if you can’t pay for your certification fees upfront, many programs have a payment plan option.

Consider IAWP as Your Quality Wellness Certification Program

At IAWP, we help our students get the wellness, coaching, and business training that they need to be successful. Our comprehensive program has three pillars: wellness, coaching, and business. We will provide you with solid, proven systems to get your business up and running along with lots of support to ensure your success.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to become a certified wellness coach. We’ve taken all the guesswork out of launching and sustaining a coaching business. We give you lots of done-for-you materials that help you to get going as soon as you’re able.

And don’t just take our word for it. Our students and graduates can tell you how our certification program has helped them to be successful coaches.

If you’re ready to make a difference as a health and wellness coach, then we’re ready to help you with your certification! Learn more about the IAWP Wellness Certification Program today!

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About the Author

Suzanne Monroe

Suzanne Monroe is the author of Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self and Living Life on Your Own Terms. She has also written and published The Holistic Cookbook & Lifestyle Guide: 12 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier You, the co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health and the host of the Live Well Dream Big Podcast. Suzanne was inspired to create the IAWP Wellness Coach Training & Certification Program in collaboration with other leading health experts in order to inspire people to create meaningful careers and spread the message of wellness.

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