4 Powerful Why to Clearly Define Your Niche as a Wellness Coach


In the natural world, all organisms have a niche or specific role to play. This niche may be eating bugs, changing colors or growing in the shade.

A niche defines the roles and interactions of other species in its larger environment. It determines how an organism consumes or alters resources to survive and thrive.

Your business niche defines the roles and interactions you create with potential clients, partners, and competitors as well as the specific roles you play. This is where your business will survive and thrive.

Given this knowledge, there are four powerful reasons to clearly define your niche. Your clearly defined niche promotes visibility, scaled economy, expert status, and growth.


Where’s Waldo? Do you remember trying to find Waldo in those very busy cartoon drawings? You knew he was hidden there somewhere, so you kept searching until you found him. But it wasn’t an easy task!

In the business world, we don’t want to be Waldo. We don’t want to look like everyone else and be hard to find. We won’t reduce the competition and increase our visibility by being more unique. A clearly defined niche helps us do just that.

It ensures that you don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be everything to everyone. It ensures you don’t dilute your message. This makes it easier for you to stand out, easier for people to find you. It increases your visibility and makes you less like Waldo!

Scaled Economy

Show Me the Money! When you have a clearly defined niche, you’ll have clearly defined direction. That makes marketing easier because you know your audience and have a more powerful message. A powerful message targeted to the right people leads to simplified decisions and fewer resources to make your business known.

You will enjoy scaled economies meaning that it’s easier and cheaper for you to market your products and services. Your clearly defined niche helps people gravitate toward you. They can see themselves and their problem through your products and services.

Expert Status

It’s no secret that experts are rewarded. So, how do you become an expert? You become an expert by creating a clearly defined niche! Your niche will help you focus on the right education, research, and development for your specific specialization. You’ll gain confidence and credibility quicker while spending less time and money on the wrong things.

By having a narrow focus, you will know your clients’ pain and build your business around solutions that help your clients. This naturally creates community, enhanced customer relations, and raises your status to an expert for that particular market. People trust experts. They want to work with them, and they are willing to pay more for that expertise.

Likewise, a clearly defined niche also creates an expert status that draws opportunities for partnerships. It’s easier for you to become well-known. People in your community will know exactly what you do which makes it easier to form partnerships or to refer clients to you. Other business owners love to align themselves with people who are well-known and have expert status.


Finally, a clearly defined niche helps your business grow. It helps you understand your business better. You’ll know your industry and competition. And, you will know the big players and with whom you can form an alliance. Furthermore, you’ll be able to predict changes in your market to make strategic changes for growth.

Your community will grow and so will word of mouth referrals. And because people understand what you do, you’ll get better referrals and repeat business. Other businesses will seek partnership opportunities, but you’ll also see media opportunities as well as a guest speaker or other expert invitations.

And last but not least, a clearly defined niche will help your business grow through the internet. Search engines prefer a tight niche. This helps bring traffic and visibility to your website. Your community will also share your offerings on social media as they comment, tweet, and share. You’ll also grow through article linking and blogging opportunities.

The list is endless. Your clearly defined niche promotes visibility, scaled economy, expert status, and growth. It’s worth the time to create and fine-tune your own niche. Do you have a niche? If not what challenges do you have with finding a niche? Post in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

The IAWP is committed to supporting Wellness Coaches to create success and share the message of wellness across the globe. If you’re passionate about holistic health and wellness, inspiring others to be healthy and creating a career you love, then learn more by downloading our gift to you – The Wellness Coach Career Kit.


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About the Author

Suzanne Monroe

Suzanne Monroe is the author of Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self and Living Life on Your Own Terms. She has also written and published The Holistic Cookbook & Lifestyle Guide: 12 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier You, the co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health and the host of the Live Well Dream Big Podcast. Suzanne was inspired to create the IAWP Wellness Coach Training & Certification Program in collaboration with other leading health experts in order to inspire people to create meaningful careers and spread the message of wellness.

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