How to Boost Your Confidence and Uplevel Your Coaching Skills


Have you ever noticed how sometimes people say they want something in life? They have a goal or want to make a change, but they just never seem to be able to do it. Try as they might, they just seem to be held back by something.

You might think it’s their circumstance or maybe a mental block. Have you ever noticed though how you might create a big goal for yourself, but you don’t seem to be getting there very fast?
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This can be frustrating when it comes to helping your clients. You have so much wisdom and support to offer them. When they don’t take action, you might wonder what to do next.

Worse yet, when your clients don’t reach their goals, self-doubt may creep in. You may even start to wonder how good of a coach you really are.

When your confidence starts to go downhill, it’s a slippery slope. What’s going on here?

Just saying your clients says they want something in life is not enough. Even if they take it to the next level to get support in achieving what they want, sometimes nothing seems to work for them. Could it be a hidden element called programming?

Your Mindset

Our programming can also be referred to as our mindset. What are the thoughts, behaviors, and ways of relating to this world that make you think and act as you do?

Each person is unique. Two people can have the same goals and same circumstances, but one person achieves their goal while another does not. The hidden element of our mindset is something we need to look at for ourselves and for our clients.

If you’ve already worked with clients in some capacity either as a coach or holistic practitioner, you might be frustrated that they aren’t doing what they say they want to do. You’ve done all the work you can. You’ve supported them, given them solutions to follow, provided them advice…and they’re still eating junk food or not committing to the workout plan you decided upon together. They seem stuck.

If you can better understand each of your clients and what makes them tick, you’ll be able to help them reach their goals more effectively.

Living at the Conscious Level

Most people go through life without really understanding why they do what they do or what makes them operate. We tend to live at the conscious level. We just notice what’s happening to us on the physical level.

What we don’t realize is that we essentially have our own internal operating system. This internal system drives all that we do. And if we can dig deep and get a clear picture of how we operate, we not only get to better understand ourselves, we also get to make better decisions and choices for our lives.

When we have a better understanding of how we operate, we can work with it rather than against it. This deeper layer is called our subconscious. This is where our programming lives.

Getting to this deeper core level can really help your clients make a change. In the IAWP Wellness Coach Certification program, we teach our students specifically how to do this using our Core Coaching Method (CCM).

The Core Coaching Method

The Core Coaching Method is about getting to the core of an issue or challenge that a person is experiencing. Getting to the core issue helps them create lasting breakthroughs.

As a wellness professional, you already know that all areas of our health and well-being are interconnected. It is important to help your clients make this same connection.

As a coach, you may notice the source of your client’s problem right away and believe you have a solution to help. While providing solutions is helpful, The Core Coaching Method will show you how to help your clients arrive at a solution for themselves.

Why is this important? When a person arrives at their own conclusion rather than being told what to do, they will take action from a more empowered place and have a higher probability of sustaining the action.

Getting to the CORE

If you’re struggling with getting to the core of your client’s issues and would like to learn how to coach them on a deeper level, we’d love for you to come join us in our Wellness Coach Certification program. You’ll get to practice CCM with your own peer coach, model it with your own personal Wellness Coach and use it in your own life.

When you start to transform your core, you’ll be an expert at helping your clients do it, too. So if you’re ready to boost your confidence and help your clients even more, then schedule a call to talk with one of our Admissions Advisors today.

The IAWP is committed to supporting Wellness Coaches to create success and share the message of wellness across the globe. If you’re passionate about holistic health and wellness, inspiring others to be healthy and creating a career you love, then learn more by downloading our gift to you – The Wellness Coach Career Kit.

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About the Author

Suzanne Monroe

Suzanne Monroe is the author of Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self and Living Life on Your Own Terms. She has also written and published The Holistic Cookbook & Lifestyle Guide: 12 Weeks to a Healthier, Happier You, the co-author of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health and the host of the Live Well Dream Big Podcast. Suzanne was inspired to create the IAWP Wellness Coach Training & Certification Program in collaboration with other leading health experts in order to inspire people to create meaningful careers and spread the message of wellness.

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