Join the IAWP Faculty

Share your message with our thriving community of wellness professionals

The International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) is the global leader in Health and Wellness Coach Training.

Our Wellness Coach Certification & Training program provides a world-class education from the industry’s most renowned experts in holistic health, natural medicine, wellness, coaching, entrepreneurship and holistic business. 

Our wellness education programs began over a decade ago and today, we have a thriving community of over 30,000 wellness professionals in over 80 countries. You can visit our website here:

Faculty members enjoy several benefits as we share your work, message, books and programs through our multimedia advertising channels, subscriber base and growing networks. Faculty members contribute to the IAWP curriculum with written, audio or video.

Together, we inspire more people.

The International Association of Wellness Professionals


Be featured alongside our current leading experts
bernie siegel square

Bernie Siegel, MD

CEO and Co-Founder

Bernie is a retired assistant clinical professor of surgery at Yale, the founder of the Exceptional Cancer Patients therapy, and the author of numerous books including Peace, Love & Healing, How to Live Between Office Visits, Prescriptions for Living, Help Me to Heal, 365 Prescriptions for the Soul, and many more.

Health & Wellness Coach Stephen Rechtschaffen

Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD

Nutrition Expert

Stephan is a pioneer in the wellness movement and the co-founder of the Institute for Holistic Studies. He’s also a widely recognized holistic physician, lecturer, and author. Stephan lives in Nosara, Costa Rica, where he is the director and visionary of the Blue Spirit Retreat.

Joan Borysenko PhD square

Joan Borysenko, PhD

HR Executive

Dr. Joan Borysenko is a world renowned expert in the mind-body connection. A licensed psychologist with a doctorate in cell biology from Harvard Medical School, she synthesizes cutting edge science with deep humanity. She is the New York Times bestselling author of 16 books and her work has appeared in The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal and on Public Television.

Marci Shimoff

Marci Shimoff

Best-selling Author

Marci is a New York Times best-selling author and world-renowned transformational teacher. Her books include Love for No Reason, Happy for No Reason, and the Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series (as coauthor). Marci is dedicated to helping people live more empowered and joy-filled lives.

lisa sasevich

Lisa Sasevich


Lisa, known as “The Queen of Sales Conversion,” is a former corporate sales superstar who became an entrepreneur and, in just three years, created a multi-million dollar home-based business. In addition to her business achievements, Lisa is the author of The Invisible Close, a guide to making more sales without being “sales-y.”

Max Simon

Max Simon


Max is a highly recognized global authority on creating powerful, purposeful and profitable businesses. The son of a physician and co-founder of the Chopra Center for Well-Being and a transcendental meditation teacher, Max’s wellness roots run deep. Max has produced more than 200 seminars that have transformed thousands of lives.

Jesse and Sharla

Jesse Koren & Sharla Jacobs

Award-winning Coaches

Jesse and Sharla are award-winning million-dollar coaches and published authors. As founders of Thrive Academy and The Client Attraction Summit, they have taught over 6,000 coaches and holistic practitioners how to build successful businesses.

lisa sasevich

Lisa Sasevich


Lisa, known as “The Queen of Sales Conversion,” is a former corporate sales superstar who became an entrepreneur and, in just three years, created a multi-million dollar home-based business. In addition to her business achievements, Lisa is the author of The Invisible Close, a guide to making more sales without being “sales-y.”

Sally Fallon Morell

Sally Fallon Morrell


Sally is the founding president of the widely recognized Weston A. Price Foundation, the editor of the journal Wise Traditions, the founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, the author of the best-selling Nourishing Traditions cookbook, and the co-author of the book Eat Fat, Lose Fat.

Janet Attwood

Janet Attwood

Best-selling Author

Janet is a visionary, a transformational leader, and a world humanitarian.  She is the co-author of the New York Times bestseller, The Passion Test™ and the co-founder of one of the largest online magazines in the world, Healthy Wealthy ‘n Wise.  Janet travels the globe to support people in their quests for personal greatness.

Christine Horner

Christine Horner, MD


Christine is a board certified and nationally recognized surgeon, award-winning author, professional speaker, and women’s health advocate. In 1999, she helped create the first-ever syndicated TV news segment exclusively focused on complementary and alternative medicine.

Kevin Doherty

Kevin Doherty


Kevin is a marketing and business coach for holistic practitioners. He is the president of Dream Practice Coaching, a business book writer, and a licensed acupuncturist who continues to run a part-time private practice.


Rachel Cook

Rachel Cook


Racheal is the founder of The Yogipreneur and The Yogi CEO, a company that specializes in business building for the yoga and holistic health community. 

She is also the co-author of the book A Modern Yogi’s Guide to Rockin’ Your Yoga Career.

Arthur Ciaramicoli

Arthur Ciaramicoli, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Arthur P. Ciaramicoli, Ed.D., Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been treating clients for more than 35 years. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Massachusetts Psychological Association. Currently in private practice, Dr. Ciaramicoli has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for several years. He has appeared on CNN, Fox News and other shows. He is the author of several books, including the Power of Empathy and The Stress Solution.

Suzanne Monroe

Founder, International Association of Wellness Professionals

Hello! I’m glad you’re visiting this page! I’ve invited you to be on our Faculty because your message is in alignment with ours here at the IAWP. We’re always looking to connect our community with the best experts in wellness, coaching and business. So thanks for stopping by and considering this opportunity.

We would love to be able to share your work with our growing base of over 125,000 connections. This year alone we will reach many more through our ongoing lead generation efforts, based on our annual paid advertising budget of $650,000. I share this to give you an idea of the level at which the IAWP is committed to sharing the message of wellness and how our partnership might benefit you.

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Next Steps to Participate. . .

Faculty members are featured by the IAWP in the following ways:

  • Featuring your event and your opt-in to our subscriber base.
  • Providing you a featured guest blog post with your opt-in in our newsletter and on website.
  • Adding your event and your opt-in to our website as a featured event.
  • A series of social media posts sharing your opt-in across multiple channels/groups.
  • Interviewing you and creating an evergreen event.
  • Faculty Listing on our website – exposure to IAWP paid advertising budget.

We only ask a few things from you as a Faculty member so we can help share your message:

  • You provide one live interview for our community, on a date you choose.
  • You provide one article or piece of content we can share with our community.
  • You share one IAWP event with your community, on a date you choose.

If you’re ready to get started, we’ll make it easy for you. Just fill out the form below and click the submit button!