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Hello and welcome to the IAWP Community! We want to congratulate you for joining our wellness movement and are excited you are a part of our thriving community of wellness seekers and wellness coaches.

One of the things you’ll discover right away is how amazing our community truly is. We love to support one another, collaborate and share best practices. Words that describe our community are holistic, supportive, conscious, dedicated, inspirational, thoughtful, caring, vulnerable, authentic and empowered, just to name a few.

In order to keep our community thriving at this high level and in order to provide a safe place for all members, we ask that you read and adhere to the following Code of Conduct that follows….

Pursuant to your enrollment in your IAWP training program with Intelligent Health Group, LLC dba International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) and Wellness360Coach (hereinafter “Licensor” or “IAWP”), a Wisconsin limited liability company with address of PO Box 622 Cedarburg, WI 53012, you the Student (hereinafter “Licensee”) agree to the following Code of Conduct as a program enrollee,  Coach in Training and/or graduate of our Wellness Coach Training programs.


Code of Conduct


Be Kind and Courteous

Our community is positive place where our students and faculty come together to support one another, share best practices and help each other THRIVE. Please be kind and courteous ALWAYS. It is imperative that as an IAWP program enrollee, Coach in Training or Graduate you represent our community, program, fellow members, faculty and staff in a positive light.

No Promotions, List Building or Forming Sub Groups

Self-promotion and irrelevant links aren’t allowed in any of our forums. Members of this community are explicitly prohibited from list building, forming sub groups or selling of products or services. This includes creating social media groups, phone lists, emails lists or other communities based on your access to IAWP community members. 

Be Respectful of Program Materials and Support Channels

When you join the IAWP, you agree to our terms and conditions, which you can reference here. Students are prohibited from sharing training materials or disrupting live calls, workshops or social media groups. When opting in for volunteer spots on labs, students are expected to attend or cancel at least 24 hours in advance. We expect our coaches to respect fellow students, faculty, guests speakers and staff at all times. 

Support Related Issues

If you have any concerns or questions regarding IAWP related programs or products, please do not post them in a public forum or engage any third party. Please contact our team directly at support@iawpwellnesscoach.com. We will make every effort to work with you towards a solution.

No Hate Speech or Bullying

Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.

Respect Everyone’s Privacy

Being part of this community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the community should stay in the group. This applies to video calls, phone conferences, forums or anywhere IAWP program enrollees or coaches meet and connect. Pursuant to your agreement with the IAWP, all program materials are protected by copyright and should not be distributed or shared with any third party.

Group Membership

Membership in IAWP Facebook Groups and other Forums is a privilege and bonus extended to program enrollees. Failure to comply with group rules may result in removal from our groups at our discretion.


The International Association of Wellness Professionals
PO Box 622 Cedarburg, WI 53012
Email: hello@iawpwellnesscoach.com
Phone: 844.423.7020
© 2019 International Association of Wellness Professionals