Join Our Global Community of Holistic, Heart Centered Coaches

Our community is passionate about sharing the message of holistic wellness and holistic living…and growing together as we inspire others. 

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Our community is made up of new and experienced coaches, holistic practitioners and people who are simply just passionate about helping others live well. We come from diverse backgrounds, live in different places across the globe and have unique life experiences. Yet we all share a common passion and purpose: Transforming lives through the power of holistic wellness and coaching.

Together we’re a part of a movement and we find it makes sense to say to those who resonate with our message and movement…Welcome Home!


Whether you’ve hit burnout in your job, have found yourself disconnected to your purpose, or have undergone your own wellness or life journey, a part of you knows it’s time to make a change and help others.

But how do you do it?


It’s often said – “Life is short”. With the changes in the world over the last few years, many people have taken this to heart and have paused to re-evaluate their lives. Perhaps you’ve realized it’s time to finally go for your passion?

Yet taking steps toward your purpose can be challenging in the real world. You might have a desire to do something more meaningful, but the busyness of life, the chaos of the world or even the voices in your own head can hold you back. 

That’s why the IAWP is committed to supporting our coaches to align with their purpose and take action toward it.  Alone, this is often impossible to accomplish. 

But with the unique, powerful, holistic systems we teach you, it becomes natural to do what you love everyday. Join like-minded people and finally step onto a purposeful path.


Gain a One-of-a-Kind Holistic Wellness & Lifestyle Education

Expand your thinking and learn how your life and well-being are interconnected

You may have noticed that the word “holistic” gets used a lot these days. But what does it really mean? At the IAWP, we believe it means several things. 

First and foremost, we look at the whole person, not just their physical health or symptoms, but their mindset, emotional and spiritual well-being. 

We’re not all the same. Every person has a unique makeup, different experiences and our lives are complex and interwoven.  

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A holistic approach to life and wellness includes examining all aspects that impact us including our careers, our purpose and our relationships to others, to ourself and even to the natural world that is always present around us. 

Our Wellness 360 holistic lifestyle system incorporates 12 holistic elements including 36 dimensions of the self. You’ll learn about the three energetic layers of each element that create our unique blueprints and take your own personal journey through this system.

Finally, we teach that a true holistic approach combines the best of modern health knowledge with age-old healing wisdom. From holistic nutrition, movement, mindset, emotional well-being to natural healing practices like plant medicine, the chakra system and following nature’s wisdom…We teach you it all so you can confidently support yourself and others with the practices and tools that will create lasting transformations.

Set Yourself Apart with a Globally Recognized Certification

IAWP Holistic Coach Accreditation

There’s many health & wellness and life coach training programs available today. How do you sort out their differences?

What you won’t find anywhere else is a globally recognized and internationally accredited program that teaches both cutting edge science and ancient healing wisdom.

Our international community is made up of coaches  across the world who all share a common passion for helping others to heal naturally and live their best lives. 

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The International Association of Wellness Professionals is recognized world wide and we have students participating in over 80 countries. 

The IAWP Holistic Wellness Coach & Holistic Life Coach Certifications both integrate three pillars of learning – holistic wellness & lifestyle, coaching and holistic business. Our coaching curriculum is CCE accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the top accrediting body in the coaching field today. ICF does an in-depth review of our coaching curriculum every year to ensure we meet their highest standards. For our international students, this is the highest level of international recognition in this field. (Current coaches who are ICF accredited and complete either our dual certification or our coaching pillar certification are eligible for ICF CCE units upon graduation.)

Plus we have accreditations from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP), the Canadian Health Coach Alliance and the Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition, ensuring our curriculum has met the highest standards in education.

When you become certified through the IAWP, you can confidently coach clients anywhere in the world.

Experience Your Own Wellness Transformation

Take Your Passion for Natural Living to the Next Level

As you embark on this new journey, you’ll not only learn about wellness but you’ll live it. 

If you’re here, you’re likely someone who already practices a natural approach to living. Maybe you’ve overcome your own health challenge (or are still working on it.) Or maybe you’re just passionate about all things holistic. Perhaps you’re already on the path to helping others to live well.

Whether you shop locally and organically, practice yoga, make your own herbal remedies or use plants to support your well-being, it’s time to build upon that passion. 

As you learn how to guide others, you’ll experience your own transformation unfolding. That might seem impossible right now, but once you experience our systems and support, you’ll notice how your life will make both small and big shifts until you become a shining example of what it means to be truly well.

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Holistic Wellness Coaching + Holistic Life Coaching = the paths to helping others to incorporate natural health and healing into their lives while creating lasting life transformations.

Unlike health or life coaching, holistic wellness coaching and holistic life coaching go beyond simply changing habits, providing institutional advice or following standardized, one-size-fits all methods that don’t truly account for the individual’s unique path. 

Instead, the IAWP believes in looking deeply at the whole person while supporting people from the inside out. Our coaches learn how to use tools and practices that will transform all areas of a person’s life as they embark on their unique journey.  

Discover our Holistic Wellness, Coaching & Business Systems

Follow our proven systems for success

Changing careers or doing something new can be both exciting and terrifying.

That’s why we want you to know that from the moment you begin your journey with us, you will enter into a learning experience that will support you to make your transition with confidence.

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When you start out on a new career path, it’s essential to follow a proven path so you can make a successful transition to your new passion.   When it comes to launching a coaching practice, gaining the tools you will use in your new career will make all the difference in your long term success. 

That’s why here at the IAWP, we do things differently. We provide you much more than an education.

With the support of our three proven systems, you’ll hit the ground running as a Holistic Wellness Coach or Holistic Life Coach.  We don’t just train you then leave you to figure out how to really help people and build a coaching business. Instead, we give you the systems you need to actually make it happen.

Our three proven systems include done-for-you coaching programs, marketing tools, complete workshops, client materials and more.  You won’t have to waste time reinventing the wheel and you can start making an impact with holistic wellness and holistic life coaching right away. 

Carve Your Own Path, On Your Own Terms

Align Your Life's Work with Your Lifestyle

It’s likely you’ve put in thousands of hours working in a career or position that hasn’t exactly fulfilled your soul, agreed?

Maybe you’ve even hit burnout in that career or experienced a health or life challenge as a result of the overwork and overwhelm.

On the one hand, it’s been a struggle to keep up the endless race and your health has suffered for it. On the other hand, it’s a gift that has led you here to this very moment.

Are you ready to follow your heart and carve your own path?


By the time most of our coaches find us, they’re ready to create a life that includes more freedom and flexibility.  They have a deep desire to do something not only meaningful, but something that is in alignment with their own beliefs and values.  

For some, this is their next career and a chance to do what’s in their heart. For others, this is their last career and they’ve finally landed on their life’s work.  In both cases, our coaches learn how to design their new career on their own terms.  

At the IAWP, we’re super passionate about the entrepreneurial path, because we’re on it with you.  We’ve been teaching coaches how to create success in their own practices for over fifteen years based on real experience as coaches and holistic entrepreneurs ourselves. 

That’s why we don’t just provide you an education and leave you to figure out how to really help people and build a coaching business. Instead, we give you the systems you need to actually make it happen. You’ll learn our three proven systems and receive done-for-you coaching programs, marketing tools, complete workshops, client materials and more.  The best news, you won’t have to waste time reinventing the wheel and you can start making an impact with holistic wellness & holistic life coaching right away.

We've Been Waiting for You...

The International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) has been helping people create thriving careers as Holistic Coaches for over 15 years.  

Our Certification programs are centered around done-for-you holistic systems and a customized, experiential learning experience like none other in wellness, natural living, alternative healing, life coaching and entrepreneurship. 

But there’s more. 

We’re a like-minded community that understands what you’re all about. Your heart longs to do something meaningful, to share your voice and to make an impact. We see you and we get you because we feel the very same way. 

Our community is made up of people who know that there’s more to health and life than what we’ve been told. We’ve had to find answers to our own health and life challenges, look deeper at ourselves and embark on new territory to find real wellness and a life that feels authentic and meaningful.  

We know that together with this powerful holistic approach, we can change people’s lives. Will you join us?

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Do you want to guide others to live their best life?

Learn how to become a highly effective coach who creates transformations


Our proven CORE Coaching Method will teach you how to coach clients to get to the core of their challenges and finally breakthrough to reach their goals. 

You have a desire to teach others how to use natural and holistic practices to support them. Now, combine that passion with a proven method to help people make real changes.

As you learn how to confidently coach clients, you’ll experience their transformations in real-time and believe us, it’s truly life changing for both you and your clients.


Are you passionate about holistic healing and well-being?

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People across the world are waking up to wellness and the power of holistic living. And they’re looking for support.

But the truth is, most health and life coach training programs provide you with an education based on standardized advice that is supposed to work for everyone.  This leaves both coaches and their clients without real tools to make lasting changes.

Our mission at the IAWP is to provide our students with a different kind of education so you can help people to create true wellness and life transformations. 

Can you really follow your passion and make it happen?


Whether you want to take the first step toward helping others to be healthy, start a career doing something you love, or expand an existing business, you’ve come to the right place.

Your training with the IAWP includes not just an in-depth education in holistic wellness, life coaching and entrepreneurship, but proven systems you can put to use to ensure your success is inevitable.

Yes, you can follow your passion and purpose in life. So, what are you waiting for?

Ready to uplevel your health, life or career?

Your Transformation Starts Here

Gain valuable resources and transformational tools to support you on your journey


Faculty & Guest Teachers

Learn from the World’s Greatest Leaders in Wellness, Coaching & Business
bernie siegel
Bernie Siegel, MD

“Father” of Wellness

Dr. Frank Lipman res
Dr. Frank Lipman

Best selling author and Functional MD

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Dr. Gail Parker

Psychologist & Yoga Therapist

stephan rechtschaffen
Stephan Rechtschaffen, MD

CoFounder of The Omega Institute

Dr. Michael Greger
Dr. Michael Greger

NYT Best selling author of How Not to Die series

Joan Borysenko PhD
Dr. Joan Borysenko

Leading Integrative Medicine and spiritual health expert

Kara Goldin res
Kara Goldin

Award-winning entrepreneur and best selling author

marci shimoff
Marci Shimoff

World-renowned transformational teacher

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Christine Horner, MD

Holistic & Alternative Medicine expert & natural health author

jesse and sharla
Sharla Jacobs & Jesse Koren

Leading holistic business experts

sally fallon morell 1
Sally Fallon

Nutrition expert & Founder of  Weston A. Price Foundation

janet attwood
Janet Attwood
Best-Selling Author and self-help expert
Max Simon
Max Simon

Mind Body Medicine Entrepreneur

lisa sasevich
Lisa Sasevich

Award-winning entrepreneur and business expert

Arthur Ciaramicoli
Arthur Ciaramicoli, PhD

Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

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Suzanne Monroe

Founder & CEO, IAWP

Rachel Cook
Rachel Cook

Holistic Business Leader

Dr. Supriya Shetty 1
Dr. Surpriya Shetty

Naturopathic Physician and Biological Dentist

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Michelle Bersell

Psychotherapist and  Emotional Health Expert

Dawn. Mauricio cropped
Dawn Mauricio

Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher

IAWP Staff

Meet the IAWP Team
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Suzanne Monroe

CEO & Founder

Julie Siler 1
Julie Siler

Director of Operations & Student Support

Kim Goeltom e1646945365528
Kim Goeltom

Lead Admissions Advisor & Master Coach Leader

nate berg
Nate Berg

Director of Marketing

Laura Albers 2
Laura Albers

Master Coach Trainer

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Elizabeth West

Admissions Advisor

Karina Hammer
Karina Koltai

Student Advisor

Tania Mather
Tania Mather

Master Coach Leader

Melanie Halter

Master Coach Leader

Sandra payne e1646956835907
Sandra Payne

Master Coach Leader

Theven Sabga e1646933212405
Theven Sabga

Master Coach Leader

camilla grant
Camilla Grant

Master Coach Leader

Mikhaila Simmons

Master Coach Leader

heather e1646949869592
Heather Brittain

Master Coach Leader


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Hi, I’m Suzanne Monroe and I want to personally welcome you to our community here at the IAWP. If you are reading this, it’s likely your passion is holistic wellness. If so, you and I have that in common. And while our coaches all share this common passion, too, everyone’s journey to arrive here has been unique. What has been your journey?

Maybe you’ve been on a journey where natural health and healing has made a difference in your life or the life of someone you care about. Maybe you were left to figure out how to solve a health or life challenge on your own, because the traditional path didn’t have the answers. Perhaps you’ve even taken steps toward bringing healing therapies into your life with additional training and classes. Or maybe you are stuck in a career that is no longer a fit and looking for a way to bring your passion into what you do everyday in a more meaningful way.

Whatever has brought you here, this is only the beginning of your journey.

Whether it’s leaving behind a job that feels out of alignment or finally taking your holistic practice to the next level, it’s about integration – becoming more of who you are meant to be in this lifetime. And I believe there’s no time to waste.

If you are passionate about holistic living and want to inspire others, you can create an amazing career as a Holistic Wellness Coach & Holistic Life Coach. While you help others, you can create a lifestyle that is in alignment with you. Once you experience this alignment in life, you’ll be so glad you took this step forward and trusted the path being laid out before you.

I hope you enjoy exploring our website and that I have the chance to meet you inside our community very soon!

Love, Health & Success,



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Holistic Wellness Coaches & Holistic Life Coaches are professionals who take an integrative approach to health and life. They help people learn to make healthy lifestyle changes as well as use natural methods to impact their wellness and their lifestyle. They take into account more then just food, fitness or simple habit changes, but all aspects of a person’s health and life in true holistic fashion.

IAWP Holistic Coaches learn how to look at the whole person, not just their physical health, but their mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  They learn to use a unique, holistic lifestyle system called Wellness 360 which examines 12 elements of well-being including 36 dimensions of the self.

This system examines all aspects that impact our well-being like food, mindset, sleep, career, relationships and how we relate to the world around us.  

Our coaches also learn about the three energetic layers of each element that create our unique blueprints and help people discover their own unique blueprint. 

Which title should you choose? If you think you will be most interested in helping people with specific health challenges and focusing on wellness areas such as food, movement and sleep, you will likely choose “Holistic Wellness Coach” as your designation.

If you think you will be more interested in helping people with lifestyle areas such as career, relationships, purpose and mindset, you will likely choose “Holistic Life Coach” as your designation.

Whichever designation you choose, you will receive all of our holistic wellness and lifestyle systems and coach training. The curriculum is the same for both designations. The only difference is the area of focus you will have once you graduate and begin your coaching practice. 

If you are unsure which designation you prefer upon enrollment, don’t worry – you can always change your title during your training or at graduation. You will also have the option to add on the second title if you so choose. 

At the IAWP, we believe that true wellness combines the best of modern health practices with age-old healing practices.  Our Holistic Coaches are highly trained coaches, providing support and accountability for their clients so they can make lasting lifestyle changes.

Today there are many people calling themselves “Health Coaches” or “Life Coaches”. They have varying educations and backgrounds, some with extensive training, others with no training at all. “Health Coaching” or “Life Coaching” are both general terms that do not tell people what area of health or life you help with or your specific approach.

“Holistic Wellness Coach” or “Holistic Life Coach” are both more specific terms, denoting that more than just general health or life is being considered in the approach. 

When evaluating various health and wellness and life coaching programs, it is important to understand the difference between becoming a generalist and a specialist. Whether a training program calls their graduates a “health coach” or a “life coach,” they often teach a broad education and do not have a specific holistic system behind their curriculum.

Holistic Wellness & Holistic Life Coaching are specialty terms in which professionals will take a holistic approach to health and life, considering all aspects of a person’s well-being as well as the support provided involves holistic remedies, therapies, and a more natural approach to wellness.

While generalist coaches can be useful, you’re guaranteed greater success when you choose a specialist track. You probably know that in the field of medicine a doctor who is a generalist is paid much less than a specialist. Generalists do not have the same level of training and the market allows for specialists to charge higher fees. This is also true for a Holistic Wellness & Holistic Life Coaches.

The difference between a Holistic Life Coach and Holistic Wellness Coach at the IAWP is only in the area of focus you will have when launching your business and helping clients. The curriculum and training is the same for both tracks and you receive all of our wellness, life coaching and business systems with both tracks. 

If you prefer to help people with lifestyle areas such as career, purpose, relationships – you might call yourself a Holistic Life Coach.

If you know you want to focus on specific health challenges and areas like food, movement and sleep, you will likely call yourself a Holistic Wellness Coach.

The International Association of Wellness Professionals is recognized world wide and we have students participating from countries all over the world.

The IAWP offers accredited coach training and is aligned with several accrediting bodies. 

Upon completion of our Holistic Wellness Coach or Holistic Life Coach Certifications, coaches can become a board certified Health and Wellness Coach with through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

Our Holistic Coach Certifications integrate three pillars of learning – holistic wellness and holistic living, coaching and holistic business. Our coaching curriculum is CCE Accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). ICF has the highest standards for its approved coaching programs and we are proud to provide an advanced coaching education that meets their standards. Current coaches who are ICF accredited and complete our coaching pillar, are eligible for continuing coach education  CCE credits with the ICF.

Our Certification program is also approved by the Canadian Health Coach Alliance. 

With approval and accreditation from leading organizations across the globe, you can feel confident that our curriculum has met a high standard in terms of the education and support you will receive.

Our mission at the IAWP is to provide the most holistic online education experience in the industry and we take our mission seriously. The way we deliver our training is what makes our program unique from any other training in the online education field today.  

Our unique training method is called The Immersive Transformation Training Method™ (ITTM), where you will personally experience and practice everything you learn in your program. This process allows you to master your own wellness and lifestyle, become a highly effective coach, and launch a profitable practice…all during your training.  

Unlike most online education, where you “read, watch and learn”, here at the IAWP you will “read, watch, learn and DO”  as you apply what you are learning at each stage. ITTM includes immersive training, application modules, real-world experiential exercises, and countless coaching demonstrations. 

This full immersion means you not only end up with superior knowledge of coaching, but more importantly, you have the ability to coach.

We also give you all the tools and systems you will need to be confident as a new Holistic Wellness & Holistic Life Coaches, without having to reinvent the wheel or start everything from scratch. You’ll get to build on a foundation that’s guaranteed to help you create success in your new business or career path.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out what our students are saying!

The short answer is Yes! In fact, we are so confident you will get your first client by the time you graduate, that we guarantee your success. If you follow the steps in our program and fail to attract your first client by graduation, we will refund your tuition and you can keep your certification. 

At the IAWP, our program is based on our Immersive Transformation Training Method™. This method ensures you are applying your knowledge during every stage of your training and this includes taking the right steps to attract your ideal clients.

Through our business training, you will follow our Coach Launch system, which is designed to take you step by step through a process that will guide you as you attract and sign up your first 10 clients, or your next 10 clients, again and again. 

There’s different career paths coaches can take, but here at the IAWP our specialty is helping you to launch your own coaching practice. 

By the time most of our coaches find us, they’re ready to create a life that includes more freedom and flexibility.  They have a deep desire to do something not only meaningful, but something that is in alignment with their own beliefs and values.  

For some, this is their next career and a chance to do what’s in their heart. For others, this is their last career and they’ve finally landed on their life’s work.  In both cases, our coaches learn how to design their new career on their own terms.  

At the IAWP, we’re super passionate about the entrepreneurial path, because we’re on it with you.  We’ve been teaching coaches how to create success in their own practices for over fifteen years based on real experience as coaches and holistic entrepreneurs ourselves.  (We will never tell you to do something we haven’t tried and proven ourselves!)

We don’t just provide you an education and leave you to figure out how to really help people and build a coaching business. Instead, we give you the systems you need to actually make it happen. You’ll learn our three proven systems and receive done-for-you coaching programs, marketing tools, complete workshops, client materials and more.  The best news, you won’t have to waste time reinventing the wheel and you can start making an impact with holistic wellness coaching right away.

When you enroll in our Holistic Wellness Coach or Holistic Life Coach Certification program, you will receive Unlimited Access to our training, which means you can access your training for as long as you want to review concept or curriculum.

This is very unique in the online education industry and we are unaware of any other organization that provides this level of ongoing access.

While you do not need continuing education credits to maintain your IAWP Holistic Wellness Coach/Life Coach Certifications, our training is recognized and accredited by several organizations, like the International Coach Federation where our program allows you to earn Continuing Education Credits. 

Short answer, yes. The world has gone virtual in the last few years so knowing how to connect with your clients and work with them virtually is essential. 

Our business training can be applied to building a practice in your local community or creating an online coaching business.  Some students prefer to work locally, others go straight to online, some prefer a mix of the two.  The choice is yours and will largely depend on your preference. 

Through our Coach Launch Fast Track system, you will learn how to set up your business and determine which career track best fits for you. You will also learn the ins and out of online marketing, social media, video conferencing and other virtual business tools. You’ll also personally experience virtual coaching and online workshops through your training.