
Transformational Coach Certification

Uplevel your confidence with a powerful coaching method proven to create transformations

Are you already Coaching people, but want to do it even better?

Did you learn to "become a coach" but not how to coach?

Do you love coaching people but wish they would follow your advice?

Do you want to go deeper with people, but aren't sure exactly how?

Do you love supporting others, but wonder if there's a better way to help them reach their goals with less struggle?

Do you sometimes feel stuck in how to influence others to make the changes you know could really help them?

The truth is, you're already the go-to for advice, solutions and support...but there's another level awaiting you as a coach.

Become a Certified Transformational Coach

Learn how to become a highly effective coach who creates transformations


Our proven CORE Coaching Method will teach you how to coach clients to get to the core of their challenges and finally breakthrough to reach their goals to create lasting transformations.

You’re already helping people. Now, combine your passion with the proven coaching method that goes deeper to help your clients create real changes in any area of their life.

As you learn how to confidently coach clients, you’ll also get to experience CORE Coaching live, so you, too, can create your own transformation.

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Top 5 Reasons ourTransformational Coach Certification
can finally help you get to where you want to be as a coach

Help Clients Faster & Better

You’ve learned how to support people, now it’s time to help them get to where they want to be faster and better…with less struggle. This is about coaching your clients to reach their goals without overwhelm and finally create the changes they are seeking.

Become a
Confident Coach

Many certified coaches don’t feel confident in how to actually coach their clients to make lasting changes. If you’re tired of doubting yourself, get ready to overcome your fear and overwhelm once and for all. You’ll supercharge your confidence as you apply our transformational CORE Coaching Method in real-time through our supportive practice environment. 

Advance Your Coaching Skills

Following a proven transformational step-by-step process, you’ll add to your current coaching experience and advance your skills. By the time you finish this program, you’ll be amazed at how your coaching skills have evolved.

Help More Clients

When you learn to create lasting transformation for people, they make changes that others notice. This powerful impact can result in referrals coming your way, the sudden courage to take on new things, and even more vulnerability to put yourself out there…and so much more. It all adds up to helping more clients.

Get to the Root of Challenges

Learn how to peel back the layers that are holding your clients back so you can finally get to the root of their challenges. You’ll also discover how to apply our powerful coaching method to yourself with a unique self-coaching practice that will support you to create your own breakthroughs as you grow your coaching practice. 

What's Included in
The Transformational Coach Certification?

Master the method that's transforming lives

Become a Highly Effective Coach Who Creates Transformations

Website Coaching min

Our CORE Coaching Method™ combines the art of coaching with proven, cutting-edge psychology techniques that address how the brain works in order to help your client make lasting changes. 

But the CORE Coaching Method is not just about “changing our habits” for the short-term. Instead you will create lasting transformations for life by helping clients get to the root of their patterns. 

Discover our proprietary coaching method that has helped thousands of coaches lead client sessions with clarity and confidence and help people transform their lives. 

This module includes: 

  • Discover how The CORE Coaching Method will unlock your client’s true potential and finally allow them to achieve their deepest desires
  • The 4 Step Transformation Process –  A step-by-step process you can use every time to create client breakthroughs
  • The 7 most powerful questions to unlock your client’s subconscious mind and get to the real reason they haven’t reached their goals
  • Go beyond traditional coaching techniques and learn how to unlock the core issues that are really holding people back from achieving their goals

Explore the workings of the brain, including how the conscious and subconscious mind function and play a role in coaching. In this module,  you will uncover your own programming and begin applying the CORE Coaching Method.  

This module includes: 

  • How your programming affects your reality
  • The science behind behavior change and coaching
  • How to determine verbal and non-verbal cues in coaching
  • What to do when a clients says “I don’t know”
  • How to step into your role as a guide for your clients

Learn the steps every coach must know to conduct successful coaching sessions that have clients coming back for more.

This module includes:

  • How to create transformation following the four primary steps of CORE.
  • How to successfully prepare for a session without wasting time and show up as an empowered coach in the moment
  • The most common mistake coaches make during sessions that leave clients unfulfilled
  • Exactly what to say during a coaching session to help a client get unstuck in 30 minutes or less
  • Discover how to set up and start off successful sessions, so you can stop “overgiving” with sessions that never end on time and leave you feeling like you haven’t done enough. 

Learn a step-by-step process for supporting your coaching clients to align their goals with their actions. In this module you will learn how to ask powerful questions and discovery specific tools for preparing your coaching space.

This module includes:

  •  A proven roadmap you can follow for session success with every client 
  • An examination of how and when clients are ready to make changes
  • The 4 steps of the client commitment journey
  • The three things you must do during a coaching session to ensure your client follows through and takes action between sessions
  • How to ask powerful questions to get to the root of your client’s challenges

Learn how to gain your client’s confidence and build trust in your professional relationship. This module will support you to help your client’s set goals and feel empowered in their coaching program.

This module includes:

  • How to build client rapport authentically and quickly
  • The role of self-esteem in coaching
  • The Theory of Planned Behavior and how to support your client’s to reach their goals
  • The Art of Mirroring and using highly effective coaching tools

Discover the five steps to creating lasting changes and transformation while learning how to support your client’s to create new patterns that support their goals. In this module, you’ll begin working with proven neuro linguistic programming tools to add to your coaching skills. 

This module includes:

  • Top tools for igniting lasting change
  • A five step process to take your client from inaction to action
  • The science of neuro linguistic programming 
  • How to coach clients to discover what’s truly standing in their way

Take an in-depth dive into the nine steps of the CORE Coaching Method and gain powerful insight into how to deliver transformation for your clients. Gain confidence to use these nine steps in initial consultations to inspire new clients and to motivate change for existing clients.

This module includes:

  • The 9 Steps Successful Session Model – a proven roadmap you can follow for every session
  • How to get and stay in a Flow State while you deliver your coaching
  • The #1 most important and often missing step in a coaching conversation
  • A formula to determine your session length and format, guiding you to feel empowered to start and end sessions on time without guilt
  • A powerful process to dive into the past, present and future with your clients and create action steps they will stick with

Every client has different challenges and ways of learning. In this module,  you’ll learn how to work with different client types and overcome obstacles with challenging clients.

This module includes:

  • How to relate to your coaching clients
  • Diversity in coaching – how to develop empathy and awareness
  • The 4 Client Styles and becoming a skilled coach
  • The secret to supporting clients who are  resistant 
  • Biochemical individuality and How We Think
  • Meta-programming in Coaching


You’ve been practicing coaching and growing as a coach. Now it’s time to 

build on your coaching skills with advanced techniques to support your clients. In this module, you’ll learn the top three reasons clients could be stuck and gain insight into how to go deeper to remove their obstacles.

This module includes:

  • The five advanced coaching tools every seasoned coach needs to know
  • How to support your coaching clients to discover past memories that may be affecting their present reality and what to do about it
  • Coaching tools for working with emotions and fears
  • Discovering the Shadow side of our patterns and empowering your clients to know themselves

As you hone your skills and gain more experience, you’ll learn how to not only help your clients reach a goal but make lasting changes for life. In this module, you’ll discover how to create client transformations using powerful techniques.

This module includes:

  • How to support you clients to unhook from their past
  • When to refer your clients to a licensed professional or therapist
  • Accountability and responsibility in coaching
  • The art of self-talk and how to change our daily mindset
  • The #1 coaching technique used to support clients to shift their patterns

In this module you’ll explore the inner working of the mind and gain confidence in supporting your clients to shift their thinking. Discover how to tame the inner critic and help your clients address the parts that are holding them back.  

This module includes:

  • How to connect with your inner critic so you and your clients can heal old patterns
  • The top 3 mindsets every coach must master and exactly how to do it
  • Supportive exercises to distinguish the inner critic from the inner voice and take empowered action

Learn how to set up your virtual coaching office for success. From staying organized to client communication, you’ll learn the essentials to staying productive and purposeful. Expand your goals as you learn into support, practice and feedback.

This module includes:

  • The #1 Tools you must use to run a successful, virtual coaching practice
  • How to leverage technology to stay organized and professional
  • Powerful productivity tools to apply both in your practice and in your personal life

Check out these special program bonuses we know you're gonna love....
Bonus #1

6 months of Live, Personal CORE Coaching Support

Gain access to our live support where you can receive ongoing personal support during your journey. Experience the CORE Coaching Method as you work on your own challenges, practice the method in real-time and hone your coaching skills. Labs are a great time to receive feedback and connect with our coach community.  ($1,997 Value)

2 VideoAudio Live Expert Training 2

Bonus #2

The CORE Coaching Lab Library

You also get access to our bonus CORE Coaching Lab Library where you can watch Master Coaches use the method and deepen your coaching skills through modeling ($997 Value)

3 Live Curriculum Training

Bonus #3

Mindset Mastery for New Coaches

Growing a coaching business can wreak havoc on your mindset. You can easily doubt yourself and lose confidence as you try to do so many new things at once (can you relate?) So, the good news is this: It’s normal. But… you can’t build the business you want without mastering your mindset. 

It’s time to overcome fear, take action and build the coaching business of your dreams…because your mindset will finally match your vision.

In this exclusive bonus, you’ll learn how to identify your inner critic,  dialogue with your true, inner voice and discover the top 3 mindsets of an empowered coach. ($997 value)

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Ready to become a Certified Transformational Coach?

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To become an IAWP Certified Transformational Coach, you must already have training as a coach. Fill out your application and provide your training/certification information and we’ll notify you within 72 hours of your enrollment. Upon completion of this training, you will receive the Certified Transformational Coach badge and logo to display on your website or in your marketing materials while you uplevel your skills, add to your coaching credentials and expand your expertise.

How Your Training Takes Place


Journey through 12 Self-Paced, Action-Oriented Modules

3 MonthlyLeadLabs

Attend Live Coaching Labs to experience & practice coaching and receive personal feedback

4 Master CA Connection Group

Unlock the proven, advanced coaching method used by experienced coaches

5 VirtualVideoLessons

Learn from Virtual Video Lessons And Real-world Application Exercises

6 Tools Blueprints

Receive Done-For-You Blueprints & Tools so you don't have to reinvent the wheel

8 VirtualLearningEnviroment

Go at your own pace through our Flexible, Virtual, Self-guided Learning Environment

Ready to become a Certified Transformational Coach?

Hear from just some our coaches who trained in our transformational coaching method...

“I was a cosmetologist of 22 years. It was a great career but it wasn’t fulfilling anymore. I was also on my own wellness journey and the more I discovered and shared with people, I realized they were really struggling.

When I came across the IAWP, I was hooked. It all clicked for me that this is what I was looking for. My biggest transformation is building the confidence in myself I needed and the skills to effectively coach others.”

“I’ve been in the fitness industry for over 30 years and I’ve always had an interest in helping people improve their lives. But I felt I needed a certification to go along with my experience that would really teach me how to coach people.

I look back over all of the years of helping people and if I had known the CORE Coaching Method back then, I could have had more of an impact on people. The IAWP has helped me see what I was missing in terms of really helping people. People feel like I am listening now.”

“The IAWP has helped me to break out of my shell, put myself out there and gain confidence.

Being a student has helped me on a personal level from the wellness education and becoming an effective coach. I became a healthier individual and have gained the confidence to coach clients effectively by following a proven system.”

“I joined the IAWP after graduating from another coach certification program. I realized I didn’t have the coaching or business skills I needed to create the kind of coaching practice I wanted to have.

So many things have happened since finding the IAWP. I have a new level of confidence. And I’m getting ready to start with my 50th client and getting paid to do what I love!.”

“It helped me realize I am not stuck and whatever obstacles I face I can work through. I just have to take the steps to work through them….

I’ve gone from thinking: “I’m behind, I’m not at the same place as my peers, I’m not as good as my peers, I’m not as successful as my peers, I don’t belong here” to “I am right where I should be, right now, in this moment”….

 I’m excited about my future and the business that I am building….”

“To be honest, I thought I knew it all when I joined the program.I was the person people asked for advice and came to with their problems.

But the truth was, I didn’t know how to create transformations for them.

The IAWP showed me how to become not only a great coach, but a better person.”

“I have been a certified personal trainer and yoga teacher for over 25 years. When the pandemic hit ,my business cut in half and I had to move and think fast for options.

The IAWP offered everything and more to become a deeper person and coach, to reach out to more people, and to be able to share my gifts to anyone and everyone anywhere online!”

Ready to become a Certified Transformational Coach?

A Message from Suzanne Monroe

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Our transformational CORE Coaching Method has literally transformed thousands of lives over the last two decades. As a coach myself who didn’t have a powerful coaching method to create lasting changes, I struggled for years to really get to the root of the challenges standing in my clients’ way. 

Applying Transformational CORE Coaching not only changed my clients’ lives, but it changed mine. I gained confidence as a coach and it impacted my entire business.

If you’re ready to truly help more people, gain confidence as a coach and receive personal support from our like-minded coaching community, then I hope you will join us to become a Certified Transformational Coach!

Love, Health and Success,
Suzanne Monroe


Yes you can enroll at any time and go at your own pace. Included in your training is six months of live coaching lab support. Keep in mind, the special pricing being offered on this page may not be available if you enroll later. 

The design of our Transformational Coach Certification  allows you to customize the amount of time you want to spend each week on your training.  There are 12 modules. Each module consists of a video trainings, reading, blueprints and application exercises. In addition, you can attend live coaching labs for practice and support. We estimate about 4 to 5 hours per module, though many application exercises are implemented over a longer time period within your coaching business. Coaches can finish this program in as little as 90 days.  If you need to spend more time one week and less time another week, the program is flexible in that way.

No, you do not need to available for live training calls. The program is set up for you to work through it self-guided and the Live Coaching Labs  are optional. If you can not attend live, there are also recorded coaching labs in your classroom that you can watch when it works best for you. 

If you are a newly certified coach, this advanced certification will jumpstart  your coaching business. Instead of waiting until you are working with a client who you know needs advanced tools, you’ll be ready to support them. 

Participants will likely have different levels of experience and number of clients, but what you will have in common is that you are on your way to creating more impact. For experienced coaches, if you are facing any of the following struggles, then becoming a Certified Transformational Coach may be just right for you…

  • If you have clients, but don’t feel confident in going deeper with them.
  • If you have a niche but it’s not bringing you the amount of clients you want and you want to refocus on something more transformational.
  • If you want to offer your current clients more, but don’t have other coaching programs in place and are unsure what you would offer.

It’s time to pause and consider your own personal situation to determine if taking on an investment like this is right for you at this time.

One option to support you is to consider the payment plan option and carving out time to complete this program within 30 days so you can start earning income and pay off your investment quickly.

Also, if you haven’t earned any income yet, consider why that might be.  If more circumstantial but you are ready to keep moving forward and everything you have learned about this program still resonates, then you should join. You will likely grow your practice faster when you are able to create a bigger impact in your client’s lives. 

If your financial situation is very tight, you may want to consider waiting to get started at another time. You don’t want to have to be worrying while you are focusing on new learning.

Finally, the value of Coach Mastery is much greater than the tuition listed on this page, but because we know most new coaches have already invested so much in their education and are often at a pivotal point in their business,  we’ve greatly cut the tuition to help more coaches get started. 

Time is our greatest commodity, that’s for sure. We get it. That’s why we’ve designed our Transformational Coach Certification to be flexible. You can participate from anywhere, anytime and on-the-go.  We estimate that you will want to spend at least 1 to 2 hours per week on your training, though some weeks you could spend more or less depending on your schedule. Consider where you could open up a little bit more time. Could you get up an hour earlier one time per week and stay up an hour later one time per week? Could you carve out morning on a Saturday once a month?

If you’re “too busy”, it’s likely that there are some things you may need to clear off your plate to be able to focus on your coaching business. Good news, during this training you can get support with how to be more productive and make the most of your time and energy!

We understand you still have questions. Let’s schedule a personal coach success strategy session where one of our experienced coaches can help you get clear on what’s been standing in your way up until this point. On this call, your coach will identify the top three things you need to stop doing in your business and the top three things you need to start doing. Together, you’ll lay out a plan and next step to take your business from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. Sound good? Schedule your personal Coach Success Session now.

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